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Enjoy Euro Truck Simulator 1.3 without Restrictions with Crack Only


A new methodology is proposed to correlate the upper shelf energy (USE) of full size and subsize Charpy specimens of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel plate material, A533B. The methodology appears to be more satisfactory than the methodologies proposed earlier. USE of a notched-only specimen is partitioned into macro-crack initiation and crack propagation energies. USE of a notched and precracked specimen provides the crack propagation energy. [Delta]USE, the difference between the USE's of notched-only and precracked specimens, is an estimate of the crack initiation energy. [Delta]USE was normalized by a factor involving the dimensions of the Charpy specimen and themore stress concentration factor at the notch root. The normalized values of the [Delta]USE were found to be invariant with specimen size. less

A new methodology is proposed to correlate the upper shelf energy (USE) of full size and subsize Charpy specimens of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel plate material, A533B. The methodology appears to be more satisfactory than the methodologies proposed earlier. USE of a notched-only specimen is partitioned into macro-crack initiation and crack propagation energies. USE of a notched and precracked specimen provides the crack propagation energy. DeltaUSE, the difference between the USE`s of notched-only and precracked specimens, is an estimate of the crack initiation energy. DeltaUSE was normalized by a factor involving the dimensions of the Charpy specimen and themore stress concentration factor at the notch root. The normalized values of the DeltaUSE were found to be invariant with specimen size. less

Euro Truck Simulator 1.3 Crack Only

The paper examines the problems associated with applying proof-test-based life prediction to vessels made of high-toughness metals. Two A106 Gr B pipe specimens containing long, through-wall circumferential flaws were tested. One failed during hydrostatic testing and the other during tension-tension cycling following a hydrostatic test. Quantitative fractography was used to verify experimentally obtained fatigue crack growth rates and a variety of LEFM and EPFM techniques were used to analyze the experimental results. The results show that: plastic collapse analysis provides accurate predictions of screened (initial) crack size when the flow stress is determined experimentally; LEFM analysis underestimates the crack sizemore screened by the proof test and overpredicts the subsequent fatigue life of the vessel when retardation effects are small (i.e., low proof levels); and, at a high proof-test level (2.4 times operating pressure), the large retardation effect on fatigue crack growth due to the overload overwhelmed the deleterious effect on fatigue life from stable tearing during the proof test and alleviated the problem of screening only long cracks due to the high toughness of the metal. less

Digital Wave Corp. (DWC) was retained by Jacobs ATOM at NASA Ames Research Center to perform cyclic pressure crack growth sensitivity testing on a multilayer pressure vessel instrumented with DWC's Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) system, with captured wave analysis to be performed using DWCs WaveExplorerTM software, which has been used at Ames since 2001. The objectives were to document the ability to detect and characterize a known growing crack in such a vessel using only MAE, to establish the sensitivity of the equipment vs. crack size and / or relevance in a realistic field environment, and to obtain fracture toughness materials properties in follow up testing to enable accurate crack growth analysis. This report contains the results of the testing.

The Grizzly code is being developed with the goal of creating a general tool that can be applied to study a variety of degradation mechanisms in nuclear power plant components. The first application of Grizzly has been to study fracture in embrittled reactor pressure vessels (RPVs). Grizzly can be used to model the thermal/mechanical response of an RPV under transient conditions that would be observed in a pressurized thermal shock (PTS) scenario. The global response of the vessel provides boundary conditions for local models of the material in the vicinity of a flaw. Fracture domain integrals are computed to obtainmore stress intensity factors, which can in turn be used to assess whether a fracture would initiate at a pre-existing flaw. These capabilities have been demonstrated previously. A typical RPV is likely to contain a large population of pre-existing flaws introduced during the manufacturing process. This flaw population is characterized stastistically through probability density functions of the flaw distributions. The use of probabilistic techniques is necessary to assess the likelihood of crack initiation during a transient event. This report documents initial work to perform probabilistic analysis of RPV fracture during a PTS event using a combination of the RAVEN risk analysis code and Grizzly. This work is limited in scope, considering only a single flaw with deterministic geometry, but with uncertainty introduced in the parameters that influence fracture toughness. These results are benchmarked against equivalent models run in the FAVOR code. When fully developed, the RAVEN/Grizzly methodology for modeling probabilistic fracture in RPVs will provide a general capability that can be used to consider a wider variety of vessel and flaw conditions that are difficult to consider with current tools. In addition, this will provide access to advanced probabilistic techniques provided by RAVEN, including adaptive sampling and parallelism, which can



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